Emily Carr Institute for Art and Design
Course: Design Access I Photography, Video, and Sound

I WON a gift certificate to take this course for FREE in the Spring of 1999. My interest lies mainly in photography and not video or sound, which was later eliminated from the course content. I had high expectations of this course because the Emily Carr Institute is highly respected. Unfortunately I found this course quite boring and not very technical. They called it a photography course even though we never used a real camera. We did some photograms which is basically exposing objects on raw photosensitive paper (e.g. the background of this web page you are reading now is a photogram I created). We also learned pinhole photography, which was developed a few hundred years ago when cameras did not exist!!

Nevertheless, once we had access to the darkroom, I could not resist from experimenting with some negatives from my large photo collection. A minor problem was that my negatives were all colored and the dark room could only produce black/white photos; thus not an optimal condition. But when the results came out, I was very surprised and my teacher was quite impressed. I made a total of about 15 black/white reprints (8" x 10" or 20cm x 25cm). Below are some reprints as well as the photograms and pinhole photography pictures I did in class.

Sanssouci Palace Grounds
Potsdam, Germany

Village Street
Chamonix, France

Granville Island (pinhole, daytime)
Vancouver, Canada


Granville Island (pinhole, daytime)
Vancouver, Canada

Jack's Paraphernalia